ONE. Building the capacity of intermediary organisations to support labour market integration of newly arrived migrants and refugees. The building of the capacity is going to be organised mainly through training activities. It is expected that at least 80 representatives of intermediary organisations are going to participate in the training activities both from the partner countries and from outside the partner countries (through the use of e-learning). The aim of the project is to build this capacity on a sustainable way in order- at the end of the project- the intermediary organisations to have all the necessary material and human resources in order to continue provide this information also after the end of the project.
TWO. Increase of the engagement of employers in the process. The project intends to involve at least 400 employers in the process of improving employability of the refugees and migrants through its training actions, information campaigns, apprenticeships etc. It is expected that the information provided will increase the capacity of employers to hire migrants and refugees and will also increase the awareness of the benefits related with the employment of refugees as these are described also in the framework of the European dialogue on skills and migration.
THREE. Increase work-based learning for refugees. Through the organisation of apprentices for 150 refugees and newly arrived migrants, it is expected that they are going to develop their skills in relation to the employment and in accordance of the needs of the local labour market. Through work based learning, the project is aiming also to adapt the skills of the refugees in order to serve the needs of the local economy.
FOUR. Increase the awareness of the existing EU tools (Employers together for Integration”, the Upskilling Pathways Council Recommendation, the EU Skills Profile for Third Country Nationals) among the employers. At least 80% of the employers involved in the project are expected not to have received prior information related with these instruments.