The methodology for achieving these objectives are based on training and capacity building actions. More specifically, the first step of the project will be the development of training material addressed to intermediary and VET organisations. The training material will have as a main aim to develop the knowledge, skills and capacities of intermediary organisations in relation with the needs of immigrants and refugees for their integration in the labour market.
The themes in which it is going to be based are going to be the following:
1/ EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals
2/ The provision of skills assessment/validation along the lines of the Upskilling Pathways Council Recommendation
3/ Rights and duties of refugees/ migrants concerning their access to the labour market and at the workplace, in accordance with national law and practices;
4/ Provision of post-placement support to third-country nationals after they start employment, and to their employers, to ensure sustainability of employment
5/ Legal framework in relation with the rights of the third-country nationals and labor
6/ Promotion of diversity and non-discrimination at work place
7/ Organisation of apprenticeships and on the job training for refugees
8/ Adaptation of training to refugees and other migrants’ needs
All the partner organisations are going to participate actively to the development of these training materials, each one according to its expertise.
On the basis of the training material developed in the framework of the first activity, training activities are going to be organized with intermediary organisations and VET organisations. The training is going to be organized both with the use of face to face training and with the use of e-learning. In order to allow the use of e-learning courses an e-learning platform is going to be adapted in order to fit the needs of the target group and the training material is going to be adapted in order to fit the needs of an e-learning course. The e-learning course is going to be addressed to intermediary organisations all over Europe while the face to face training courses are going to be concentrated in the local level.
The next phase is related with the organisation of targeted activities for the engagement of employers. The intermediary organisations that are going to be trained in the framework of the activity 2 are going to develop actions targeted to SMEs in order to facilitate their insertion in the labor market. These actions are going to include: Information campaigns, Training addressed to employers. Development of a web portal addressed to employers, provision of support to matching. The provision of these services is going to be continuous from the trained staff of the intermediary organisations.
The final activity of the project is related with the organisation of apprenticeship for refugees. In each participating country, there are going to be organized apprenticeships for refugees as a practical implementation of the skills acquired. In order to organise the apprenticeships the following steps are going to be followed: provision of specialised vocational training in skills needed for the local labor market, matching of apprentices with interested enterprises, organisation of apprenticeships.